ACM ISS 2022 (series) / Udapola Balage Hansi Shashiprabha Udapola

Registered user since Mon 26 Sep 2022
Name:Udapola Balage Hansi Shashiprabha Udapola
I am a doctoral student at the School of Engineering and Computer Science, Victoria University of Willington, New Zealand. My research interests are in Human-Computer Interaction, Serious Games, and Gamification, specifically in the domain of health. I am keen to work with real-world problems by applying computer technology through user experience design. Currently, I am researching “How I can use Social VR to improve the social engagement of prolonged hospitalised adolescents with significant illnesses, particularly cancer”.
Country:New Zealand
Affiliation:Victoria University of Wellington; University of Kelaniya
Personal website:
Research interests:Computer-Human Interaction, Serious Games, Gamification
ACM Interactive Surfaces and Spaces (ISS)
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