ACM ISS 2022
Sun 20 - Thu 24 November 2022 Wellington, New Zealand
Stefanie Zollmann

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Name:Stefanie Zollmann

Stefanie Zollmann is an Associate Professor for Computer Science at the University of Otago in New Zealand. She is leading the Visual Computing Otago research group. Before starting at Otago in 2016, she worked as a senior developer at Animation Research Ltd on eXtended Reality visualization, Computer Graphics and Computer-Vision-based tracking technology for sports broadcasting. She also worked for Daimler and Graz University of Technology. Her main research is in the field of Visual Computing, which describes the combination of traditional Computer Graphics, Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Visualization and Human-Computer-Interaction. Her research focus is on eXtended Reality (XR) for sports and media, visualization techniques for Augmented Reality and novel methods for capturing content for immersive experiences. Stefanie serves on the Editorial Boards of Transaction on Visualization and Graphics (TVCG) and Computers & Graphics and was Science and Technology program chair for ISMAR 2019 and 2020.

Country:New Zealand
Affiliation:University of Otago, Dunedin
Research interests:Computer Graphics, Computer Vision, Visualization, and Human-Computer Interaction


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